- Written by vecsvaithy89@gmail.com
- Hits: 4447
iMOUSE - virtual mouse using gesture recognition
Hi Techiees!!!!
My article is here to let you know about my final year project . It aims at serving Physically challenged who find it difficult to operate keyboard and mouse in a single hand. This will also be handy for gaming purpose, presentations.
The prototype is being built using face recognition and gesture recognition concept.
The Face is acquired through Web Cam (320*240 pixel is used ). Nose tip is detected and configured as mouse pointer.
Whenever you move your face across the Camera, The movement of Nose tip is detected and mouse pointer moves accordingly.
Eye blink is detected and click operation is made to perform when eye blink is detected.
The prototype is being done in matlab, at present working for eye blink.
Please feel free to leave your feedback and clarifications.
Final Year ECE