- Written by madhu
- Hits: 2168
CO2 is by far the most damaging............... or is it?
When the whole world is behind the CO2 gas, either researching to capture it or planning different ways to reduce its disposal into atmosphere, results from a research team headed by the geochemist Jefferey Dorale from the United States have asked us to think twice when it comes to the question, “ Is it CO2? ”.
The planet, as a rule, swings between frigid glacial periods and warmer "interglacial" periods. One cycle takes about 100,000 years. So 125,000 years ago the planet was extremely warm; 20,000 years ago, extremely cold. Between those two extremes as the glaciers grew and the polar caps gathered up seawater, the sea level dropped by 130 meters. As there was a sharp rise in sea level about 81,000 years ago, the fall of sea level would not have been steady, something must have caused it to rise which is apparently not CO2.