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  • Written by vijaysr
  • Hits: 1598

Global Warming Quotes 2010

As printed in the College Calendar 2010

1. Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal. * 
    - Henry Ford, 1863 - 1947

2. Global warming is not just about polar bears and penguins; it’s about support for life on earth.

3. Protecting one large tree is equal to planting thousands.

4. Solar water heater is the best way to reduce electricity bill and fight global warming.

5. Don’t cut trees, transplant.

6. Painting your roof white helps cool your home, reduces A/C power consumption and fights global warming.

7. Use water from bathrooms and sinks [grey water] to water trees.

8. Switch to battery powered vehicles to reduce your cost of travel, and reduce use of fossil fuels.

9. Being vegetarian, helps reduce green house gases.

10. Save Forests and help prevent forest fires.

11. Reduce consumption, Reuse when possible and Recycle.

12. Buy Energy Efficient products. Solar Panels with LED lights create very efficient Solar Power Solution for rural and urban areas. 



#1. * - could have been, this

Yuck! It's time for you to save your world !

#2. Most of the things that these quotes talk about are practical [cost effective] and are directly applicable to "the common man" in India.

We have to come up with a different set of quotes for people with expendable funds [people with extra large carbon footprint].


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