- Written by vijaysr
- Hits: 2287
11th Hour: Story of Sunlight
The Story of Sunlight:
For vast majority of human history, we were living off of current sunlight.
Sun fell on the fields, the fields grew plants, plants made cellulose - plant matter, animals ate the cellulose,
we ate the plants, we ate the animals, we had clothing made out of the plants & animals, we were living off of current sunlight.
It was our food supply, clothing, we heated with wood, it was our heat supply, our light supply, it was all current sunlight.
So the sunlight that fell on the earth in a year is the maximum amount of energy that we could use... That's how we lived...
Later, at one point we discovered little pockets of "ancient sunlight", some coal here and little bit of oil there,
between that and the first agricultural revolution, our population slowly crept up 1 billion people, 2nd billion in 130 years in 1930, 3rd billion in 30 years 1960...
Watch 11th Hour, to understand better.