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  • Written by PunithaV ECE
  • Hits: 1333

Madurai Airport Visit Report

Date of Visit: 1st March 2011

Visit to: Aerodrome, Madurai.

Visitors involved: III ECE Students

Basic purpose of visit: To introduce Communication, Navigation and Surveillance

Activities conducted: The visit lasted for about 3 hours. The students were explained about ground to air communication, air to ground communication, How the glide angle and central line informations were given to pilots before take-off and landing. The site visit took about 1 hour after which the discussion covered the latest flight information display system, X-ray scanning of registered baggages.

Outcomes from Visit:
The students were exposed to real-time application of various modulation techniques, Concepts of Antennas, Impedance matching etc. and also to job scopes for Electronics and communication engineers with Airport Authority of India.

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