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  • Written by Suja
  • Hits: 1858


A Guest Lecture was organised by the Department Of Electronics and Communication Engineering on 1st October 2010 in the conference hall for the Pre-Final Year students. The resource person was Dr. A. Thenmozhi, Dept. of ECE, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai. The programme commenced with the welcome address given by Asst. Prof. Mr. R. M. Manickam. The resource person shared her views on 'Transmission Lines, Cavity Resonators and Wave Guides'. she explained the students about loading of cables and Stub matching techniques. In the second session she focused upon the types of waveguides, distortions and wave guide cavity resonators. The presentation was continued with Smith chart and its applications. Towards the end, there was an open discussion with the students, through which the students clarified their doubts. 110 students along with the faculty members got benefited through this programme.. The programme came to an end with the vote of thanks proposed by Ms. Juhi of III year ECE.

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