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  • Written by Suja
  • Hits: 3410


Congratulations to Guruprasnna!!!

A wonderful news - VCE is proud to share that one of the Alumni, Guruprasanna of 2006-2010 Batch of Electronics and Communication Department,  has won second prize  out of 6 in short film contest conducted by Cognizant. It is an 8 minutes film about a trainee who loose his career and thereby his life too..... because of his wrong attitude and short temper- a lesson to all the trainees...This is his first venture and he also acted in this film.

You can view this film in www.youtube.com and  search as Prodigies short film. It will be displayed in the first page as PRODIGIES SHORT FILM (Uploaded by Krishnaprakash89).

you can also get this video  at  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUphcZJCBgY

 Give your comments and feedback so that it will motivate him to explore much more useful themes.

Vickram College of Engineering is proud about its Alumni...

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