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  • Written by sivachandran
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industrial visits organized by eee department during odd semester 2010-2011

Industrial Visits are being organized for EEE students on a regular basis in order to bridge the gap between theory and practice. The students get more understanding in the subject upon visiting the manufaturing plants of various industries. The following industrial visits are organized for EEE students during the ODD Semester 2010 -2011.


COMPANY VISITED                               : BHEL-Trichy.
CLASS                                                          : IVB.E (EEE)
NO. OF STUDENTS ATTENDED              : 58
DATE                                                            : 27/08/2010


COMPANY VISITED                               : Southern Railways,
                                                                        Ponmalai, Trichy.
CLASS                                                          : III B.E (EEE)
NO. OF STUDENTS ATTENDED              : 60
DATE                                                            : 06/08/2010


COMPANY VISITED                               : Grid Sub-station,
                                                                        Pasumalai, Madurai.
CLASS                                                          : III B.E (EEE)
NO. OF STUDENTS ATTENDED              : 60
DATE                                                            : 02/09/2010

COMPANY VISITED                               : Madurai Power Corparation
                                                                         Private Ltd.,
                                                                         Madurai District.
CLASS                                                          : II B.E (EEE)
NO. OF STUDENTS ATTENDED              : 60
DATE                                                            : 17/09/2010

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