- Written by sivachandran
- Hits: 1727
time table for the Internal Exam-II for III, V & VII semesters
The revised time table for the Internal Exam-II for III, V & VII semesters are as follows;
Time: FORENOON SESSION : 9.00 A.M to 11.00 A.M
Date II Year III Year IV Year
12/09/11 Measurements and Instrumentation Total Quality Management Operations Research
13/09/11 Electromagnetic Theory Electrical Machines – II Power System Protection and Switchgear
14/09/11 Environmental Science and Engineering Transmission & Distribution Engg Solid State Drives
15/09/11 Electronic Devices and Circuits Principles of Communication Engineering High Voltage Engineering
16/09/11 Data Structures and Algorithms Object Oriented Programming Special Electrical Machines
19/09/11 Transforms and Partial Differential Digital Signal Processing Power System Operation and Control