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  • Written by parisa
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Four of the technical project proposals of final year ECE students were accepted by ICT Academy of Tamilnadu. Competition was fierce as they received over 300 projects from various Engineering / Arts & Science Colleges across the state.  Ultimately 29 projects were selected after a tight scrutiny. Among these 29, four project proposals of final year ECE students were in the limelight. Each project proposal was subjected to two independent reviewers, one by an Industrial expert and another by an Academic Expert, which were purely based on technical excellence and viability.

Results of the selected project proposals are available at http://www.ictact.

The project  details are given below:

S.NO. Project ID Title of the Project Names of the             Students             

 Name of the                  Supervisors

1. SPP/1/111 Development of RF metamaterial Antenna for wireless applications

1.Nair Rajesh

2. Dino John

3.R. Arun Kumar


Mrs. B. Anandhimeena
2. SPP/1/113 Development of Printed monopole antenna for wireless applications

1.D. Jebaraj      

2. I. Gowrishankar

3.C.David    chelladurai

Mrs. B. Anandhimeena
3. SPP/1/114 Data Acquisition system in military using Ad-hoc networks 1. M. Ahmed faisal

1.Mr. K.Muthukumaran

2.Mrs. N. Mahalakshmi

4. SPP/1/149 A lowcost extendable framework for embedded smart car security system

1.M.Sakthi Priyadarshini

2.M.Regila Manohari

3. M. Umaiyal

1. Mrs. A. Yasodai

2.Mrs.M.Parisa Beham                    

Congratulations to the students and the faculty members! 
 Selected students for the funded project by ICTACT

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