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  • Written by Ezhil
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National Seminar on All Round Developments Achieved Through Advanced Technologies

A one day National Seminar will be conducted by The Institution of Engineers (India) Madurai Local Centre jointly with the college on 15th October 2010 (Friday) at 10.00 a.m at the college auditorium. This seminar is conducted on the theme 'All Round  Developments Achieved Through Advanced Technologies.' Er.S. Deenadayalan, Chairman  and Er.V.Dhanaraj Hon. Secretary, headed the organising committee team from IES and Er. M.K.S Sreenivasan, Chairman and Dr. S. Kathirrvelu,Principal headed the organizing committee from the college. This seminar will focus on all aspects of the applications and advancements in the areas of materials,manufacturing and management. It will emphasize on innovative applications, experiences on research works and future trends in manufacturing.

        This seminar will provide an opportunity to share the research and development experiences, findings and information on recent developments in different areas of manufacturing as detailed below:


Quality Engineering

1.Total Quality Management ( TQM)
2.Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
3.Vendor Quality Management (VQM)
4.Six Sigma
5.Tolerance Techniques
6.Supply Chain Management
7.Software Quality Mans


1.Automation- Low Cost
5.Embedded System Design
7.Agent based Intelligent Systems

Advanced Manufacturing

1.Lean Manufacturing
2.Agile Manufacturing
3.Business process- Re-Engineering
4.FEM in Manufacturing
6.Nano Technology
7.Product Design
8.Industrial Design
9.Tool Wear

Bio- Medical Engineering in Health Care

1.Magnetic Resonance Imagine
2.PET Scans for early Detection of Cancer
3.Cardio Thoracic Scans
4.Cardiac and Vascular Imaging System with latest Innova 2100
5.Linear Accelerator for successful Radio Therapy treatment.


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