- Written by kamatchipriya
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IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC'15), 10 - 12 December 2015
International conference on Computational Intelligence And Computing Research was organized by our college in hands with IEEE on 10th , 11th and 12th December 2015, in the college premises. The aim of the conference is to bring together the leading Engineers, scientists and Researchers to debate and deliberate on theoretical and experimental Computational Intelligence that is encompassed by innovation and technology. This conference was a premier forum for the presentation of technological advances and research results, evolving new concepts and research directions through panel discussions in the fields of theoretical and experimental Computational Intelligence, Computer Vision, Image and Signal Processing.
The inauguration was started at 10 AM on 10th December at Ramanujam Conference hall. Dr. S. Nagarajan, the Principal of Vickram College of Engineering, delivered the welcome address. The ChiefPatron, Mr.M.K.S.Sreenivasan, the Chairman of Vickram Group of Institutions delivered the Presidential address. In his address, he focused about the importance of technology and also about the aim of conducting IEEE ICCIC confrence.
The conference was felicitated by Dr. R. Rajaram, Dean(Research), Vickram College of Engineering. He described about the impact and significance of IEEE and its exertions.
Dr. N. Krishnan, General Chair- 2015 IEEE ICCIC, professor and Head, Center for Information Technology and Engineering, M.S.University, Tirunelveli, gave a detailed description of the 6th edition of IEEE ICCIC, which encouraged the delegates to publish qualified papers. He also mentioned about Big Data, where the departments can work together to sort out problems in the day to day life. Dr. M.Karthikeyan, Organizing Secretary- 2015 IEEE ICCIC, Principal, Tamilnadu College of Engineering gave the felicitation address and Dr. Jorge Luis Victoria Barbosa, Professor of the Applied Computing Graduate Program, University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS), Brazil, appreciated the delegates for participating in the conference and encouraged them to publish more papers in future.
The key note address was given by, Capt. Thakur, Indian Navy, New Delhi. He started his address with a quote “Cogito ergo sum” which means “I think, therefore I am” by Descartes. He spoke about Green computing, and about Green designing and Green manufacturing with less damage to the environment.
Dr.A.Askarunisa, Professor and Head of Computer Science Department submitted the vote of thanks. And the program was adjourned for Technical activities. In the second day program Dr. Jorge Luis Victoria Barbosa, Professor of the Applied Computing Graduate Program, University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS), Brazil, presented the keynote address on Ubiquitous Computing. He described about the progress of related technologies of Ubiquitous Computing and he also gave a detailed description about Ubiquitous Computing and its applications like UDUCTOR, Hefestos, U-Learning -Local -stimulating interactions, Logistics, MUCS, and U-Games. Furthermore he explained about context histories, profile management and context predictions, the opportunities for the budding researchers to work on. In conclusion he focused on the concepts on applications and research of Mobilab. He encouraged the delegates to work on Context prediction as it is a hot research topic in the present era. He also responded all the queries discussed by the delegates in the conference. In the technical session, 179 research papers were presented by scholars from various colleges and Universities all over India and abroad (Newzeland, Srilanka, Japan, Brazil and South Africa)