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  • Written by Anusha
  • Hits: 1674


A workshop on “Inspec Training and Academic Publishing” was organised by the IET-VICKRAMCE Chapter for the faculty members on 31st October, 2013 in the Turing Hall. Mr. Sujan Shekhar, Sales & Training Manager, Knowledge Management, IET was the Resource Person for the programme. The Co-Ordinator of IET Mrs. Anusha A.K.R.S. initiated the proceedings and welcomed the gathering. In his first session, Mr. Sujan Shekar briefed about INSPEC Training, an initiative programme launched by the IET to promote quality research in the fields of Physics, Engineering and Computing. He also provided information on the importance and use of the Inspec Abstract Databases for Engineering & Technical Content Search. He highlighted the Inspec database features and value added services for the faculty members of academics. Second session of the work shop was on Research Article Publication. Mr. Sujan talked about the guidelines for publishing articles in refereed technical journals. He also elaborated on how the IET can benefit faculty members engaged in research. Mr. Sujan had a discussion with the faculty members and answered their queries at the end of the session. Video based session for the publishing guidelines was shown to the faculty members. 40 faculty members from various disciplines attended the programme and reaped the benefits. Dr. V. Punitha, Associate Professor of ECE proposed a vote of thanks.

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