- Written by punithav
- Hits: 1309
32nd Corporate Voice
The 32 nd Corporate Voice for II and III year students was conducted on 19 February 2019 in Ramanajum Conference hall at 3.30pm. Ms.N.Priyanka Vasan Placement Co-ordinator welcomed the gathering and Principal Dr.T.Arivoli facilitated the Speaker with the momento. The session was graced by Mr.S.Jayasingh who have a depth experience in Plastics business, PP Non woven fabric and material business with a total experience of 36 years in marketing and sales. Mr.Jayasingh is an inspirational and motivational speaker. He encouraged the students with real life success stories of achievers like Mr. Honda, Founder of Honda Cars and motors, Mr.Sarath Babu, Entrepreneur. He also added many more incidents, struggles faced by leading personalities in and around the world. With these real life success stories Mr.Jayasingh was able to guide the students on how to meet the challenges and move forward in life . He insisted more on the following points
Believe in God
Be self Motivated
Do not worry on past experiences
Think positive and energise everyday activities
The entire session was very interesting. Finally he insisted to inculcate good thoughts from internet and use them effectively in future