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  • Written by weslin
  • Hits: 1306

ICTACT Youth Present Prelims-2015

The prelimnary of "Youth Present 2015" was organized in association with ICT Academy of TamilNadu on  12th Sep 2015 at Ramanujam hall. Around 96 students from various colleges participated in this contest. Dr. A. Askarunisa, HOD/CSE, Vickram College of Engineering,Dr. Smiles, HOD/English, Velammal College of Engg. and Tech., Madurai, Dr.R.Alageshwaran, KLN College of Engg, Dr.Sri kumar,SSM College of Engg, Dr.V.Punitha, ECE, Vickram College of Engg, Dr.B.Zulaiha, Thassim Beevi Abdul Kader College for women, Dr.Priya,Sri vidhya College of Engg, Prof.D.Pritima, MECH,Vickram College of Engg, Prof.L.Kamatchi Priya, CSE Vickram College Of Engg acted as judges to select the best 10 presentations for the finals. The following 10 presentations were selected for the regional final to be held at Vickram College of Engineering on 16th Sep  2015  1. R.SELVA MEENA 2.   K.SUGHASINI 3.   S.FATHIMA 4.   R.LAMYA KRISHNAN 5.   A.PRIYADHARISHINI 6.   RAMNATH .M 7.   S.GANESH VENKAT 8.   S.K.JANANE 9.   J.BUSHRA FATHIMA 10. P.M.MOHAMED MUZAMMIL

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