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  • Written by nithya
  • Hits: 1650

Guest Lecture Ms. Isabella Plambeck Creativity and Innovation guide, Germany

A Guest Lecture by Yi was organized in our campus for the benefit of First Year and Second year students of all departments on October 7th 2014. The guest speaker of this program was Ms. Isabella Plambeck Creativity and Innovation guide, Creaffective, Germany. She began her talk explaining the definition of Innovation as inventing new things which does not exist now. She motivated the students to develop their innovative skills . Initially she threw out three questions to the students which kindled their spirit of thinking.


           Then she explained about the three layers of innovation as Product, Process and Business. She covered the topics on Elements of Innovation as People and Culture, Keywords of Innovators, Convergent and Divergent thinking. She also stressed upon the importance of Leadership and positive thinking. Ms. Isabela gave practical exercise for the students which was very new. She projected some images on the screen and asked the students on what comes first in their mind by seeing those images. The students gave different answers from which she made a point that each has different thoughts. She came out with real time examples and finally she gave the answers for the questions asked by her initially. The session was found very interactive by all.

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