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  • Written by Hemadarshini ENG
  • Hits: 1621

Daily Inspiration.





"Connect to a compelling cause with your heart, not your head. And then fasten your seatbelt because your life will soar. The mind can be a limiter. The emotions are liberator."









"You can find your causeyour crusadeexactly where you are. No one has to leave a job to find something to engage their heart and excite them. Often all that is required is that a person see things differently. And to take that first step. Today."







"A cause to stand for unleashes energy, no matter if it's one about creating incredible experiences for the men and women who give you business or one that involves saving the world. All remarkable creations begin with energyand commitment. Resolve to be extraordinary in all that you do."






"Find your cause, and then do your work with pride and lovelove is such an incredible force for good. It's the most powerful thing in the world."









"One of the best ways to find the higher meaning in the work you do is to use the technique of creative questioning to become aware of the impact your work has on the world around you. Ask yourself questions like, "Who ultimately benefits from the products and services my company offers? Or what difference do my daily efforts make? Once you do so, you will start noticing the connection between the work you do and the lives you touch. This will inspire you."


Excerpts from Robin Sharma's The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.

Happy reading!

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