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  • Written by Hema
  • Hits: 2536


     Sam Horn has had the opportunity to address to more than a half million people in more than 35 states since 1981. Her keynotes, training workshops, and conference presentations consistently receive excellent evaluations and are influential to be used immediately at work, at home, and in their community. She is the top-rated speaker at both the 1996 and 1998 International Platform Association conventions in Washington DC, and won the 2003-2004 Outstanding Capital Speaker Award. When TV newscaster Diane Sawyer was asked the secret of her success, she said, "I think the one lesson I've learned is: there is no substitute for paying attention." Are you thinking, "I agree, but HOW do we improve our ability to focus and maintain attention—no matter what?" These five FOCUS tips can help you concentrate better—whether you're working in a busy office, studying, or trying to finish a project. Here’s Horn sharing her success formula on FOCUS:


F: Five More Rule

There are two kinds of people—those who have learnt how to work through frustration, and those who wish they had. From now on, if you're in the middle of a task and tempted to give up, just do “FIVE MORE!” Read “FIVE MORE” pages. Finish “FIVE MORE” problems. Work “FIVE MORE” minutes. Just as athletes build physical stamina by pushing past the point of exhaustion, you can build mental stamina by pushing past the point of frustration. Continuing to concentrate when your brain is tired is the key for S-T-R-E-T-C-H-I-N-G your attention span and building mental endurance.


O: One Think at a Time

Samuel Goldwyn said, "If I look confused, it's because I'm thinking." Feeling scatter-brained? Overcome perpetual preoccupation with the Godfather Plan! Make your mind a deal that it can't refuse. Allow the mind to take bribes; surprisingly it does! Instead of telling it NOT to worry about another, assign it a single task with start-stop time parameters. For instance, "I will think about how to complete writing an essay early when I get home tonight, and have a chance to join family for the dinner; for now, for the next thirty minutes between 7p.m. and 7:30 p.m., I will give my complete focus to practice this presentation so I am eloquent and persuasive in my seminar."

C: Conquer Procrastination

If you don't feel like concentrating, or putting off a task you're supposed to be working on, that's a form of procrastination. R. D. Clyde said, "It's amazing how long it takes to complete something we're not working on." Procrastination never did anyone any good; or rather it just worsens everything. Delaying will only double up things, add on to your guilt, and make this onerous task occupy more of your mind and time. Hence, acquire all your spirits and conquer procrastination.

U: Use Your Hands as Blinkers

Picture your mind as a camera, and your eyes as its aperture. Most of the time, our eyes are "taking all in" and our brain is in "wide-angle focus." But what if you have to prepare for a test and you need 100% concentration? Well, cup your hands around your eyes so you have a narrow, "tunnel vision" and you are looking solely at your text book. Placing your hands on the side of your face, blocks out surroundings; so they are literally "out of sight, out of mind." (Feel the vitality of those words.)

S: See As If for the First or Last Time

Instead of mindlessly rushing here, there, and everywhere, one should pave way towards being filled with a sense of awe and appreciation for the present task, and the present moment. Next time when your mind is million miles away, simply look around you: you would really “SEE” your surroundings. Study that, as if it is the first and the last time in your life. You’ll appreciate the glory and the beauty in every single element! Marvel at the creator’s craftsmanship, and plunge into work with full passion.

Remember, great opportunities come round only once and you must not let them slip away!

Thanks for reading!

May you FOCUS right!


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