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  • Written by Weslin
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CSE Symposium-INTELECTIUM'11-Report

The department of Computer Science and Eengineering organised INTELECTIUM ’11, National level technical symposium on Thursday March 24, 2011. Mr. D. Chandru, CEO, Dawn Solutions Pvt Ltd, Chennai was the Chief-Guest for this event. The symposium commenced with prayer. After the welcome address by the Head of the Department Mr. D. Weslin, Director Er. Vijay Shrenivas SR gave a valuable speech on lateral thinking. He narrated various real time examples and also suggested how to change the attitude to incorporate lateral thinking in students

The Chief Guest D. Chandru motivated the students by narrating his own story and others. He also spoke about various career development activities students can participate. 

The poster presentation session was chaired by Dr. P. Subathra, Asst.Prof., Thiagarajar College of Engg, Madurai.  She guided the students in the discussion on the various topics.

Winners in the technical events


Poster Presentation

I Prize ( Rs. 3000/- Cash Prize) : S. Sathishkumar & N. Thanumoothy , Thiagarajar College of Engg, Madurai.
II Prize (( Rs. 1500/- Cash Prize) : P. Praveen Kumar & C. Kanagavel Pandi , St. Michel College of Engg & Tech, Sivagangai.

Technical Quiz

I Prize: M. Ramya Devi & K.Meera , Kammavar College of Engg, Theni
II Prize: S. Sathishkumar & N. Thanumoothy , Thiagarajar College of Engg, Madurai. -
Multimedia Presentation

I Prize: P. Guna, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore.
II Prize: P. Praveen Kumar & C. Kanagavel Pandi , St. Michel College of Engg & Tech, Sivagangai.


I Prize: M. Dhurai Arasan, Oxford Engg. College, Trichy.
II Prize: V. Rajkumar , N.P.R. College of Engg & Tech, Natham.

In the valedictory function Principal Dr.S.Kathirrvelu gave valedictory address and distributed the prizes. One of the Faculty Mrs.Prasanthi Proposed the vote of thanks. With the National anthem, the function came to a close.

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