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  • Written by sherlley
  • Hits: 2042

Anyone for change?


Looking back at a career spanning a decade, I find myself in an analyzing mode. The thought for writing this article stemmed from the one day seminar conducted by the college on “ All Round Developments Achieved Through Advanced Technologies” . Among the myriad of topics presented, one topic with which I could associate myself was the paper on Six Sigma by the students of our college. Having worked in both the manufacturing and the service industry I could not but contemplate to write on the lessons apropos of the past. When the concept of six sigma and 5S was introduced at the bank I worked with, it was met with doubt as it is with any new concept. To the uninitiated, both 5S and 6σ are quality concepts which focuses on organization, cleanliness and standardization ensuring zero service defects and increase profits. People are bound to oppose change even if change is the only way out.

“ Millions of ordinary, psychologically normal people will face an abrupt collision with the future. Many of them will find it increasingly painful to keep up with incessant demand for change that characterizes our time.” (Alvin Tofler, Futurist)

We live in a world of change, yet we act on the basis of continuity. The bank where I worked for more than six years was in qualitative mode after years of gaining competitive grounds by aggression. It was no less an herculean task to implement the concepts of 5S and 6σ at the organization with many fuming on why this, why now? Achieving change of any significance within an organization is in inverse proportion to the success that it has had up to the time that management feels a change is needed. The bank management believed that implementation of quality concepts should be seamless. The Organization Excellence Group (OEG) at the bank ensured that the concept was well endorsed by the employees. The 5S level and the 6σ score was included in the Balance Score Card of the Department and the individual employees. Believe me, after the initial resistance, this has become the way of life at the Bank.

I was wondering whether the same can rolled out at our college. In anticipation of the seminar I was gearing up with 6σ concepts and stumbled upon a link http://www.isixsigma.com. There was an article on “Using Six Sigma to Solve Issues in Public School System”. Speaking my thoughts aloud, I believe that the concepts of 6σ and 5S can be successfully implemented in our college since we are already an ISO 9001:2000 certified organization.

But again why change the existing system? To quote Robert Frost “ I took the road less traveled and that made the difference.” The greater the success of the company, the less likely it is to change. Success showers us with untold benefits but comes with one potential negative that can diminish our ability to stay successful : “COMFORT”.

Sustenance is the key. For that one has to necessarily “ strive for the imbalance” ...bringing change in the way things are done, how it can be improved. Raising the bar after each success. As Dr Spencer Johnson in his path breaking book “ Who Moved my Cheese?” mentioned that “the ability not only to accept change but to create it is a mark of a dynamic individual”

Create change, sustain successful practices...successful organization.


PS: Please let me know your opinions on the above concept.

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