- Written by chandrasekaran
- Hits: 2438
ISTE Inter-State level Meeting Held
The Inter-State level Meeting of the Office bearers and Members of Tamilnadu and Pondichery regions of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) was held at Vickram College of Engineering, Enathi on sunday, 23-May-10.
Dr. S. Kathirvelu, Principal, welcomed the members of the august society. Er. M.K.S. Sreenivasan, founder- Chairman of the Vickram group of Institutions, presided over the function. In his presidential address, he brought out the importance of such societies which do pave the way for various kinds of developments in the field of engineering education. He shared the reminiscence of his student days with some of the senior members. He, along with the secretary, Er.Raj Santhosh, honoured the guests with shawls. Amidst cheers from the audience, he announced the decision of VCE, joining the forum as a member.
Prof. R.K. Suresh, President of the forum, chaired the formal meeting of ISTE. The meeting was held as per the agenda and many resolutions were passed. Some of them are listed below:-
1. Formation of a sub- committee, to look after the progress of the future actions;
2. To announce the feasible dates for the conduction of National level Seminars and to decide the nominations for the awards;
3. Facilitate the auditing of the accounts till date by appointing suitable Auditors.
Dr. Sreenivasan, Director, Tech. Education, played a key role in the procedural conduction of the meeting. Prof Manivannan, Prof Livingston. Dr. Ravindran and many others attended. It was accepted to hold the next convention at Mepco CET, Sivakasi.
With the vote of thanks proposed by Dr.S Kathirvelu, the meeting came to a close. Dean Er. M. Palnikumar and AO, Prof. S. Nagarajan with the help of the supporting staff have made elaborate arrangement, to make the function a grand success