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  • Written by Venkat
  • Hits: 2285

Censorship of Internet

Good Day to one and all.

Five years after the first world wide web was launched at the end of 1991, Internet became very popular that E- Commerce, dot coms and Silicon valley started to rule the world of business and education. The blessing of Internet in terms of Cheapness and Convenience do has a flip side. That is because of this Flip Side that we are having the question in mind - do we need Censorship of net?
The then US President Bill Clinton signed the Most famous 1996 Telecommunication Act I, making a military infrastructure an house hold name. The Internet was constructed by the U.S. military since 1960s, but no one actually owns it. Probably so, the censorship issue on the net still remains unresolved. In fact, censorship in cyberspace is usurious and almost impossible. Trying to censor the Internet has hoards of issues because the net is an international issue, there is no standard for judging materials, and censorship is an abridgment of democratic spirit.

Firstly, censorship on the Internet is an international issue. But one should not forget that the Internet is a global network, and it crosses over different cultures, countries and continents. It is not impossible though to censor that seems to be offensive, yet it curbs the Freedom of Speech and exchange of views. Having said that, let us try to really know as whether such censorship really exists or not.
Middle East Nations like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Abu Dhabi are notorious for their Protectionism for their rudimentary religious sentiments; Vietnam have laid their restrictions to block the sites that is in any way provide data that can affect national security, social order, and safety or information that is not appropriate to the culture, morality, and traditional customs of the Vietnamese people.
Germans have considered taking measures against the U.S. and other companies or individuals that have created or distributed offensive material on the Internet on several occasions. More recently, President Obama's address to the Chinese settlers in USA before his visit to China on this very subject was censored in China except in Shangai. China under communist regime also follows strict discipline in what to be broadcasted and what not. The most popular Utube.com is banned in China, Middle east and many other communist countries.
Even in India, few Jihadi websites that preach anarchism, fundamental religious values and provocative concepts are blocked by the vigilance department of police.
Censorship for films is often debated as curbing the creative license. It is often verdicted by people of wisdom that the advice is essential as it for children, adults or to be watched under parental guidance. But the choice - to watch or not - is often to be left to the public not a board of members.
Let me take the same premise, to argue.
When it comes to Internet – it is just a channel to expression of ideas, views and concepts. It is just like a World Wide Mall where anybody can open a shop to exhibit the ideas, show case the knowledge, sell any product or services or simply communicate or make relationships personally, professionally.
Let us for simplicity remove the Mailing services out of scope of the censorship, though even those are misused by miscreants. Let us also remove the scope of Organisation/ Education Institutional/ encyclopaedic websites that sell products or services or information as there are governing principles and bodies.
Let us take those websites like the many community sites, blogs, video streamers, pornography under our scope. Today it is very popular to leave a scrap of thought to argue further about an event that can create waves of differences that can denounce the world. The possibility to realise the Theory of Chaos is about to happen anytime.
Flip side of the Internet is earmarked by unlimited Pornography. Sex Education is often riddled in young minds. Those are more confused in those cheap sites and the promotion of perversion is definitely a flip side.
Fundamentalists are doing a propaganda of their value system that are In-Human, can corrupt a young bright mind. This is the flip side. The society that was doing good, well protected in the bounds of Culture is now de-stabilized with the cluttered information. One funny thing that I was told was using Oriental concepts of Numerology, Astrology and Gemology the Western World untouched by those superstitions are succumbing to the exploiters. Similarly, the western culture of polygamy and unusual habits deemed as taboo in our part of the world are wooed.
Scam Sites – Lottery Scams, Jobs Scams, Jackpot scams, Treasure Scams, Credit Card Scams rule the world. People who always wanted to make quick money, good money always are victims. They become victims by sharing the Account Number or as in US the Social Security number and lose their identity or get themselves involved in some broad spectrum economy crime. People are promised jobs in the most reputed companies with hefty salaries in Euros and dollars. They end up paying few thousands. These few thousands from several aspirers across the globe makes one very wealthy in no time, while they keep dusting their hopes. This is to be censored, in a way. 
Sites for laundering Money is a cruel invention. It bleeds an economy. What are we going to do about that?
Sites that demonstrate nasty political ambitions opening up an avenue for terrorists bringing National security in danger is to be condemned too.
But all of these are just tip of the ice berg. The problems that can be quoted to disable a wonderful technology medium are many. But do we need to do that?
Mobile phones are used to detonate bombs. We all know that. Who can forget the Varanasi blasts or infamous Mumbai Train blasts? Can we ban usage of cell phones ?
The plastics and forms of it, are inevitable in today’s world. Can they be banned, to save the world?
Answer is NO.
In this policing, the crime masters always take the lead over the protectors of law. Different ways to beat the firewalls are invented in the world of hacking and the struggle to keep them under check costs millions for any government.
All of this wasted millions is to keep the society protective. In my opinion, if the same responsibility is with every individual then those wasted millions(!) can be channelled to the development of the nation.
Let me leave the dais with my concluding remarks.
We need not have to bring in Censorship to Internet. It is such a wonderful technology that helps the people know more, express more, learn more and beyond anything bridges across countries, continents, cultures.
What is required is Self discipline – For what it is to be used
What is required is Elderly Guidance – to recognize good from bad.
What is required is Listening aptitude from the parents – For youngsters do not seek comfort zone with unknown master sitting in other part of the world
Poor support from the public, will make the miscreants move their shop out of the World wide Mall.
Let us create the able society of independence and rich cognizance.
P.S: The above prize winning manuscript was developed for my niece for her school competition. (SBOA Matriculation Higher Secondary school) by me.

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