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  • Written by Thivakar
  • Hits: 1921

Vickram Chess Championship for Schools-Founders Trophy-2011

            'Vickram Chess Championshiop for Schools-2011' was organised in the college premises on 9th July, 2011. In this District Level Inter School Chess Championship 270 students from 21 schools participated for lifting the prestigious Vickram Chess Championship for Schools- Founders Trophy-2011. In the valedictory function the Principal, Dr. S. Kathirrvelu welcomed the gathering. The Chairman Mr. M.K.S Sreenivasan, gave the presidential address and said that the Colleges has been organising a series of events for various schools and colleges to emphasise on the fact that “ All round development of the students is the order of the day”. He added that today the student community has to excel in all the fields namely education, sports and other cultural activities to become successful in life. He appreciated the team work of the Physical Education Department to make this event a successful one. The Chief Guest for the function was Mr. Azhagumalai, District Sports Officer, Sivagangai. In his address he said “Sports and Studies are just like two eyes of human beings and one has to give equal importance to both for facing this competitive world”. The Chairman awarded the prizes in which Anita Bharathi of Dolphin School bagged first prize for Under 13 girls category. In the category of Under 13 Boys B.S Girinath of Dolphin school bagged first prize, whereas Karthic Raja N. from Nadar Hr. Sec. School secured first position in the above 13 years boys category. A certificate, trophy and cash prize of Rs 1000, Rs.750 and Rs. 500 were given to the winners of the first, second and third prize respectively. The programme came to the end with a vote of thanks proposed by the Dean of the college Prof. M. Palanikumar.

Test of brain at Vickram Chess Championship for Schools

Ist Prize winner of Under 13 girls category

Prize winners of Vickram Chess Championship for Schools- Founders Trophy-2011

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