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  • Written by Hemadarshini ENG
  • Hits: 1569

Blood Donation Drive.

Vickramce in collaboration with Primary Health Centre, Poovanthi & Blood Bank, Sivagangai organised a one-day blood donation drive at the college premises on 25 Jan. '13. The programme began at 10 a.m. with an inaugural ceremony wherein the Principal, Dr. S. Kathirrvelu addressed the group of the necessity in donating blood, and congratulated the young donors for exhibiting their interest towards the same. The event was graced under the head of Dr. N. Agalya, DDHS, Sivagangai; and Mrs. Sethuramu and Mr. Venkatachalam, Medical Counsellor, Medical College, Sivagangai. 51 units of blood were collected from the students of various years & faculty members. Including the drive held today, the NSS unit of the college has successfully conducted 3 drives in this academic year.

We look forward to many such events in future.

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