- Written by Abdul
- Hits: 8663
A Guest Lecture programme was organised by the Dept. Of Mechanical Engineering for the Pre-Final and Final Year students of Mechanical Engineering on 14-8-10 . The Resource Person was Dr.J. Selwin Rajadurai from Govt.College Of Engineering Tirunelveli. The programme commenced with the welcome address given by Prof.Abdul karim Sait,Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. This programme was graced by the presence of the Administrative Officer Mr.S.Nagarajan. After that the Reosurce Person gave his presentation on the topic Composite Materials and Its Application. He explained the students about Application,Components,Fabrication,Mechanics and Analysis of Composite Materials. The students found the session to be highly informative and useful.Nearly 110 students got benefitted through this programme. The programme came to the end with the vote of thanks proposed by D.Pritima,Senior Lecturer Dept.of Mechanical Engineering.