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  • Written by pritima
  • Hits: 1080

National student convention on knowledge Building & Innovation

             Linchpin Student's chapter and Young Indians organized the National convention on " U - Lead - Knowledge Building and Innovation " at Thiagarajar College of Engineering , Madurai on 12th July ,2014. Our Institution was the principal sponsor for the convention .Mr. Ponraj Vellaichamy , Scientific Advisor to Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam and Mr.V.G.Santhosam, Chairman, VGP Group of Companies  were the Chief Guests for the convention. The Speaker Introduction and Closing remarks were delivered by Mr. M S R Rajsanthosh , Chairperson - YI Madurai chapter & Secretary  - Vickram College of Engineering. This program insisted the need for knowledge updation and innovation. 103 students from our college participated in the convention. Many renowned Industrial persons delivered lecture on various topics. Their lectures were very useful and enlighted the students.

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