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  • Written by pritima
  • Hits: 1211


Department of Mechanical Engineering along with Institution of Engineers - Students Chapter organized the seminar on " Exergy and its application " for the benefit of II Year and III Year Mechanical Engineering students on 6 th May 2014 at  core block conference hall. Mr.B.Prabhu , AP/MECH proposed the welcome address and introduced the key speaker to the audience. The seminar was given by the key speaker namely Dr.A.Vallan Arasu, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering from Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai.The topics covered were Introduction to Exergy, Available and unavailable energy,work potential of energy, Exergy associated with kinetic and potential energy, reversible work and irreversibility , Exergy analysis of parabolic trough collector, collector thermal efficiency,second law efficiency etc. The session was more interactive and useful to the students. The session came to an end by vote of thanks delivered by K.Ganeshwar of III Year Mechanical Engineering.


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