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  • Written by pritima
  • Hits: 1568


Date: 15.3.12


Chief Guest:    Mr. Selvarathinam
                           Vice President
                           Madras Suspension Pvt Ltd.

Chair Person: Dr.R.Parthipan
                           Assistant  Professor
                           Department of Production Engineering,
                           National Institute of Technology

Events Conducted:

                        1. Poster Presentation
                        2. Tech Spark
                        3. Water Rocketry
                        4. R.C.Car


Prize Winners:


1.Poster Presentation


S.No Place Name of the Student Name of the College
1 I prize

1. Mohammed Ziaudeen

2. N.Karthick Raja

Raja College of Engineering
2 II Prize

1. S.Sudhakar


Raja College of Engineering

2. Tech Spark


S.No Place Name of the student Name of the College
1 I Prize

1. V.Naveen Kumar

2.R.Naveen Kumar

Theni Kammavar Engineering College
2 II Prize

1. M.Mohammed Azharudeen

2. M.Dinesh Kumar

Sethu Institute of Technology


3.Water Rocketry

S.No Place Name of the student Name of the College
1 I Prize

1.M.Mohammed Ziaudeen

2. N.Karthick Raja

Raja college of Engineering
2 II Prize

1. Vinoth kanna and Vigneshwaran

2.Mather Hussain and Abdul Rahman

Raja college of Engineering and Sethu Institute of Technology


4. R.C.Car

S.No Place Name of the Student Name of the College
1 I Prize

1. Abdul Rahman

2. Mather Hussain

Sethu Institute of Technology
2 II Prize

1. C.Vignesh

2. R.Vignesh

SACS MAVMM Engineering College



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