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  • Written by punithav
  • Hits: 1391

MoU with 3G Electronic Engineering Services, Singapore

Faculty interaction with an expert in the field of Robotics and PLC – Alumni and entrepreneur Mr.Jerald Francis Suresh, Director, 3G Electronic Engineering Services, Singapore was organised on 28th May 2015. The interaction gave many ideas about implementation to motivate, mentor and support Engineering research activities and translate innovative ideas to prototypes. Pooling the resources available in institution and industry to undertake research and development projects were also discussed.All in all the interactive session was very useful to the faculty.

Also Department of ECE has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with  3G Electronic Engineering Services, Singapore  for mutual exchange of Information and Technological know- how, joint collaborative work in R&D projects and internships.

The signing ceremony was done at VCE in the presence of the officials from VCE and 3G Electronic Engineering Services . For the signing of the MoU, VCE was represented by its Director Mr.Vijay Srinivas while 3G Electronic Engineering Services was represented by its Director Mr.Jerald Francis Suresh.

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