- Written by punithav
- Hits: 1129
Imaging and Object Recognition I & OR 2014- Report
Department of ECE organized Two-Day National workshop “Imaging and Object Recognition I & OR 2014 ” on 23rd and 27th August 2014. The purpose of the workshop was to bring many highly specialised and interesting lectures from professors of repute in the field to learn about imaging and Object recognition and identify opportunities for object recognition research worldwide. Programme was inaugurated with Welcome Address by Dr.T.Arivoli, Prof & Head, Dept. of ECE .There were totally 60 participants - comprising of Under Graduate and Post Graduate students, and Faculty Members from various colleges .
On the first day, Dr.S.Mohammed Mansoor Roomi, TCE-Madurai was the lead resource person for a detailed session on Image Segmentation and Object Recognition. Dr.S.Roomi, provided an excellent overview on Image segmentation. He also discussed Segmentation Based on Edge Detection,Thresholding Method,Region Based Segmentation Methods ,Gray Histogram Technique and Gradient Based Method. He briefed each technique with examples. This session was followed by Dr. R. Sathyabama TCE-Madurai who gave an insight to fundamentals of feature extraction and explained it in a lucid matter. On day two, Dr. N.Krishnan, Manonmaniam Sundaranar Univerity delivered lecture on Image acquisition techniques. In a short span of 2 hours, he almost brefied the whole spectrum of image processing including image enhancement and restoration with many examples. In the following session he continued with demonstrations of various programs using IDL.He also explained the scope and issues available for realistic research in High Dynamic Range Imaging. Later, Ms.Malini Priyanka of III ECE prposed Vote of Thanks.