- Written by PunithaV ECE
- Hits: 2913
Workshop on Wavelet & Sparse signal Representation-A Report
A DRDO sponsored Two-day Workshop on “Wavelet & Sparse signal Representation” was organised on 28th &29th Sep' 2012. The Presidential address was given by the Principal Dr. S. Kathirrvelu. 60 participants - comprising Under Graduate and Post Graduate students and Faculty Members from various colleges participated in this programme.
Dr. M.Sabarimalai Manikandan, Chief Engineer,Samsung India Electronics pvt.Limited gave his presentation on elementary signals, signal operation& representations, transform and their uses. Features for signal characterisation in sparse representation,compressive sensing and applications were also explained by Dr.Manikandan.Dr.Rajaram,Dean Dept.of Computer science Engg. Provided an excellent and lucid explanation on Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors.
On the second day, Dr.P.Venkatakrishnan,HOD,Dept.of ECE, covered the topics pertaining to wavelet transform,Receiver Operating Characteristics and PID control system Operation.The lecture was followed by Hands-on Training on MATLAB Wavelet Toolbox . The feedback from the participants was quite encouraging.