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  • Written by PunithaV ECE
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AICTE Sponsored National Seminar on 'Current Trends in Network Security'- a report

Principal addressing the gathering at inaugural functionThe AICTE Sponsored National Seminar on 'Current Trends in Network Security' was organised on 3rd and 4th February 2012. There were three Resource Persons who gave their valuable insights upon the topic and explored the possibilities of research study in this area. The inaugural address was given by the Principal of the college Dr. S. Kahtirrvelu. 70 participants - comprising Research Scholars, Under Graduate and Post Graduate students and Faculty Members from various colleges participated in this programme.

Dr. Rajaram, Dean- Department of CSE, Vickram College of Engineering gave his presentation on a state of the art topic pertaining to Network Cryptography. He provided a lucid explanation on Threshold cryptography based RSA. He gave a detailed explanation on various applications using RSA based threshold cryptography. Mr. Amutha Prabhakar, Department of ECE, Thiagarajar College of Engineering- a renowned scholar, gave his presentation on Network Cryptography and also presented his views upon various authentication schemes on Network security. The lecture was followed by a very interactive lab session in the afternoon.

On the second day, Mr. Amutha Prabhakar gave a session on Data Mining Algorithm in a secured network environment. This was vividly illustrated with explanation on important applications. Dr. P. Venkatakrishnan, Head of the Department of ECE, Vickram College of Engineering, delivered an informative presentation on various tools and means which would facilitate major functions in networking. A detailed explanation on Multiplicative Inversion, Matrix inversion, Eigen Value and Vector Determination and Random Number generation was given by him.
The programme came to the end with the vote of thanks proposed by Prof. Parisa Beham, Department of ECE, Vickram College of Engineering . The programme was a grand success under the able direction of the Management and guidance of the Principal and the Administrative Officer- Prof. S. Nagarajan.

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