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  • Written by PunithaV ECE
  • Hits: 1513

Report on 'Transmission Lines, Distribution and Electrical Safety'-Guest Lecture

A Guest Lecture programme was organised by the Department of Electronics and Comunication Engineering on 22-7-11 at the conference hall of Vickram College of Engineering for the Pre-Final Year students of the department. The Resource Person was Mr. M.Palaniyappan, Asst. Engineer, Transmission and Distribution Training Institute, K.Puduar, Madurai. The programme commenced with the Welcome address given by the Principal of the College-Dr. S. Kathirrvelu. After that the Resource Person Mr. Palaniappan gave his presentation on "Transmission Lines and Distribution and Electrical Safety''. He started his presentation with the explanation on generation of electricity, its transmission and finally distribution. He further explained in detail to the students about Hydro-Electric power and the conservation of the energy. The second half of the session was on the area of safety measures in transmission and energy conservation. Speaking on this topic he said, that the 'use of solar energy is the need of the hour and the college has used this energy to the optimum through solar heaters, solar bulbs and so on'. The students clarified their doubts in this domain and explored the scope in this area. They also discussed about the possibilities of doing project in this field.  The programme came to the end with the vote of thanks proposed by Ms. Sadhasaya. 101 students and staff participated in this programme and reaped the benefits. The Head of the Department of Electronics and Comunication Engineering- Ms. M. Parisa Beham appreciated the efforts taken by the staff and students for the smooth conduct of the programme.

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