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  • Written by kumarasamy
  • Hits: 1347


The VICKRAMCE IET KKLN AWARDS function held at Ramanujam Hall on 13th october 2016 for various events for IET Student members conducted on 5th,6th and 7th October 2016 . The welcome address did by A.Naveena 4th CSE and compiring by M.Muthumeenakshi 4th CSE . The prize distribution list read by D.Grace Esther 4thECE,

The winners are as follows

Spot speech

Vishal sivakumar 2nd Mech & R.Ranjithkumar 4thMech -1st prize

P.Vembarasu 3rd ECE -2nd prize


J.Julian Joe Antony , S.Naveen babu 4th civil-1st prize

V.Karthikeyan ,M.Muthu 4th Mech -2nd prize

M.Prakash ,K.Gobikrishnan 3rd Mech -3rd prize


L.Rasika ,M.Yogapriya 3rd civil-1st prize

P.Thirumalaiselvi ,R.Shanthipriya 4th EEE -2nd prize

A.Titus , C.Selva pandy 2nd Mech -3rd prize

Treasure hunt

K.Azaar Ashik , S.Jacob samraj 3rd Mech -1st prize

K.Malarkodi , S.Madhu 3rd civil-2nd prize

K.Lokeshmanikandan , S.Kaleeswaran 2nd Mech -3rd prize


S.C.H.Kodeeswaran,EEE,V.Madankumar ,K.AjithkumarECE

1st prize

D.Kisore 4th Mech , M.Prakash 3rd Mech 2nd prize

S.Yuvaraj 4th Mech, P.Vembarasu 3rd ECE -3rd prize.

The momento for winners were given by our Joint.secretary Mr.M.S.vikram sir.Our principal Dr. S.Nagarajan addressed for the gathering. The vote of thanks was given by S.C.H.Kodeeswaran,3rdEEE.

We have 68 guests and no members online