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  • Written by Weslin
  • Hits: 1538

Guest lecture on Software testing

A Guest Lecture was organised by the Department Of Computer Science and Engineering and Information Technology of Vickram College of Engineering on 12-2-11, for the Third  Year and  Second Year students of CSE and IT. The Resource Person was Mr. Yeshwanthrao Tharkeswar , ISTQB certified tester, Madurai. The programme commenced with the welcome address given by the Principal of the college Dr.S.Kathirrvelu. After that,  the resource person shared his experience in the software field and through his slides he enlightened the students about 'Software testing tools, basic skill set for software testing and various certification programmes'. In the second session he interacted with the students and encouraged them to do their project work in software testing. Nearly 130 students got benefited through this programme.

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