- Written by Weslin
- Hits: 3360
Problematic approach to Computer Networks- Guest Lecture
Guest Lecture By Mr. S. Muthuramalingam, Asst.Prof, TCE
A Guest Lecture was organised by the Department Of Computer Science and Engineering and Information Technology on 14-8-10 at the conference hall of Vickram College of Engineering for the Pre-Final and Final Year students of CSE and IT. The Resource Person was Mr. S. Muthuramalingam, Asst.Prof,Dept.of IT, Thiagarajar College Of Engineering, Madurai. The programme commenced with the welcome address given by the Principal of the college Dr.S.Kathirrvelu. After that the stage was handed over to the Resource Person. He shared his views on Problamatic Approach in Computer Networks.Through his slides he explained the students about 'Distributed Processing and Mobile Communication'. In the second session he interacted with the students and encouraged them to start their project work in Design of Protocols,Issues and Challenges in Data Communication... etc. Nearly 180 students got benefited through this programme.