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  • Written by weslin
  • Hits: 1208

Workshop on “Software Modeling using Case Tools”- Report

A two days workshop on “Software Modeling using Case Tools” was organized by department of CSE associated with Sparx Systems-India on sep 5th & 6th 2014. The program was handled by Mr. S. Mohamed Bakkrudeen, Vice president, Operations & Delivery,Sparx Systems,India. He explained the modeling tool Enterprice Architect. The program content went on like this, starting with how to create a model and the components of a system. The creation of usecases has been discussed and created an activity diagram based on the requirements of usecases. With help of developed class diagrams code has been generated which acts as an prototype for the original software to be developed. Automated report generation has been discussed. Thus, the EA tool creates a wide job opportunity to young engineers.

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