- Written by Weslin
- Hits: 1458
Guest Lecture on 'Recent Developments in PHP' -Report
A Guest Lecture programme was organised by the Department of Information Technology and Computer Science Engineering in the conference hall on 6th August, 2011. The Resource Person was Mr. K. Venkataraman- Director, Galaxy Finishing School, Madurai . He gave his presentation on 'Recent Developments in PHP'. The Principal of the college- Dr. S. Kathirrvelu welcomed the gathering. The resource person started the session with a brief introduction to PHP ( Hyper Text Pre-Processor) and MySQL. He explained about the importance of PHP and said that it is a server side scripting language and widely used for web development. He said that PHP 5 is fully a concept of object oriented programming. He gave a detailed description about the function of PHP through slides. The second half of the session was on MySQL. He said that it is a powerful output buffering, available for many database system. This unique feature make it, one of the popular online databases and it can run on both unix and windows. He gave an overview of the scope and job opportunities in this field and said that in Tamilnadu alone there are nearly 400 vacancies right now existing for the candidates with the knowledge of PHP. He concluded the session by motivating the students to explore this area of study. 175 students belonging to II and Final Year IT and CSE got benefited through this programme.