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  • Written by DassMohan
  • Hits: 1299


The National Level Symposium “Intelectium'16” was organised by Vickram College of Engineering on 24.09.16 for the Department of Civil. The program started with invocation. Dr. Nagarajan, the Principal, Vickram College of Engineering and the honourable Chief guest  Dr. S. Nagan, Associate Professor, Thiagarajar College of Engineeringpresided over the inaugural function.          

In the Symposium's opening session, Ms.Revathi from Final year Civil Department, delivered the welcome address. Ms. Mona Nikkila from Final year Civil department gave the guest preamble. The chief guest was honoured by the Principal.  Dr. S. Nagan, Associate Professor, Thiagarajar College of Engineeringdelivered the chief guest address. He explained the main objective behind the symposiums, as it is a gateway to gain knowledge from one other by sharing.  His speech focused on creative thinking, team work and experiences the three important steps, which every student of Civil Engineering should take on their journey to be a successful Engineer. He also encouraged all the students to update themselves with the recent trends in Civil Engineering. He spoke at length about the opportunities to become a successful Civil Engineer and encouraged everyone to prepare for exams like GATE, SSC, UPSC. He also explained about several improvements in the field of construction and advised the students to be clear about the basic concepts of Civil Engineering. And this session covered all aspects to become a successful Engineer. Ms.Keerthana, Final Year Civil Department, delivered the vote of thanks. And the program was adjourned for the technical sessions.          

The second session started with technical activites, students from various institutions presented their research papers. And the students also had various events to bring out their technical knowledge. The Symposium series inspired young engineers to explore the needs of world. And the technical activities were adjourned for the valedictory function. Dr. Nagarajan, the Principal, Vickram College of Engineering gave the valedictory address and distributed the prizes. The program ended with the vote of thanks and with the national anthem.


The following events were conducted for the students from various colleges participated in the programme.

1. Paper presentation

2. Minute to win it

3. Clash of CAD

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