- Written by DassMohan
- Hits: 1154
National Level Workshop on Sustainable Ground Water Management System-Report
Department of Civil organized a One -Day National workshop “Sustainable Ground Water Management System" on 6th September, 2014. Programme was inaugurated with Welcome Address by Dr.R.Mohana, Asso.Prof & Head and Dept. of Civil. There were totally 80 participants - comprising of Under Graduate and Faculty Members from various colleges.
The first session was addressed by the Chief Guest Mr.P.Ramachandran-(Retd) Assistant Director (Geophysics). He stressed on the importance of Ground water Management in any research activity. Now, with the dawn of Technology, and its infiltration into all engineering domains, Ground water has emerged as effective tools for engineering research. These Studies enable us to be properly routed in research and to attempt problem-solving quite effectively and confidently. The second session commenced with the presentation by Mr.A .L. Valliappan (Retd) Deputy Director (Geology) .He discussed the current global,regional and national situations,Tools and techniques to improve sustainability in water sector with the particular focus on ground water , agricultural water management and implications for unsustainable practices. The one day Workshopcame to a close, with the vote of thanks proposed by Mr. V. Dass Mohan, Assistant Professor,and Departmentof Civil Engineering.