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  • Written by chandrasekaran
  • Hits: 1469

Institution of Engineers Seminar on "All Round Development Achieved through Advanced Technologies"

The Institution of Engineers India (IE), Madurai Local Centre is organising a National Seminar on "All Round Development Achieved through Advanced Technologies".
Date & Venue :15th OCT 2010 at Seminar Hall, Sivasubramanian Block, Vickram College of Engineering.

The seminar will address the technical advances in Production and Management besides focussing on the challenges arising from enlightened customers and global competitors. The latest advancements in health care management, through Bio-Medical engg., the Emergence of Magnetic Resonances Imaging , replacing the harmful X-Rays, Pet Scans for Early detection of Cancer, Radiotherapy treatment by advanced Linear Accelerator are some of the aspects the Seminar is planning to focus upon.

The seminar will provide an opportunity to share the research and development experiences, findings and information on recent developments in different areas of manufacturing. 



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