A non profit organization

DRDO Sponsored Two day National workshop on Microwave Antennas and Filters – Research Focus NWMAFR’13 on 7th & 8th February 2013.

About the Workshop :

The field of microwave in antennae and filters is expanding rapidly with ever-new developments and applications. The applications of microwave encompass the fields of communication, mobile and wireless networks, Wireless applications, Satellite applications . Hands on training on antenna simulation tool will be given. Antenna software used here offers a broad range of solver technology in both time and frequency domain, on volume (Cartesian, tetrahedral) and surface meshes. It is characterized by its easy to use interface, diverse import filters, versatile parameterization and automatic optimization, and the powerful automatic post processing options that gets your development process up to speed.
Objectives :
The microwave methods provide avenues for proper understanding of real world problems. The fundamental idea behind microwave is to achieve high gain at microwave frequencies.  Mathematical studies are often aimed to analyze and visualize real world problems. This workshop will explore new directions in the fields of microwave antennae and filters. The workshops on microwave will be tutorial flavor and practically hands on experience will be addressed to participants who are not necessarily microwave experts. It will also provide a timely update on the most recent developments in this area. As a result, we expect the research work to be later molded in a more polished form.  
List of Topics to be covered
•Concepts of  Microwave antennae and filters
•Design of Antenna parameters
•Concepts of antennae for special applications
•Fundamentals of  antenna simulation tool and design 
Resource persons
Dr. S.Raghavan - Professor,
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
National Institute of Technology, Trichy.
Dr. A.Thenmozhi - Asst.Professor,
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai.
Dr. R.Rajaram - Dean,
Department of Computer Science & Engineering,
Vickram College of Engineering, Enathi.
Mr. M.S.Krishnan - Professor,
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Vickram College of Engineering, Enathi.
Mr. B.S.Mathan - Assistant System Engineer,
TATA Consultancy Services, Chennai.
The faculty members and students from Engineering colleges, Universities, Research institutions and Industries are eligible to participate in this program.
Registration Fee:
Faculty/Research scholar – Rs. 1000/-
UG/PG Student – Rs. 750/-
Includes Workshop kit, Working lunch and Refreshments.
Last date for Registration: 02 Feb 2013

Please fill in the registration form here
Mrs. N.Mahalakshmi - Asst.Professor,
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Vickram College of Engineering, Enathi  630 561.
Mobile: +91-9865624540, 8012234967
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.