A non profit organization

There was a Common Recruitment Drive conducted at Bharat Niketan Engg College, on 25th March 2012, by Anna University of Technology, Madurai for a Chennai-based Software Company called Ameex Technologies, whose CEO was none other than Sri Damodaran, the former Director of CUIC, Anna University, Trichy. Nearly 26 students attended.


Two Written Tests conducted – one on Aptitude, and the other on C & C++. In the tests, 17 of our students emerged successful. Then, Group Discussion was conducted for short-listed candidates, in which 5 of our students – 1) B. Suganya Devi, ECE, 2) S. Packialakshmi, ECE, 3) P.S. Nithumol, ECE, 4) S. Mohamed Sathakabdullah, CSE, 5) N. Suthanraj, IT, got selected for the interview. The short-listed candidates attended Technical Interview, & HR Interview.

Finally there was a brief presentation by the short-listed candidates. In the selection process, P.S. Neethumol, ECE, did well and finally got selected for appointment in this company.