A non profit organization

Important: Refer to last circular for latest information, leave circular IS sent annually

SP-I. Faculty Eligibility for Various Designations

Professor Ph.D with 10 years of experience
Associate Professor Ph.D with 5 years of experience/
PG degree with 12 years of experience
Assistant Professor PG Degree with 5 years of experience/
Ph.D Degree
Sr. Lecturer PG Degree with 2 years of experience
Lecturer PG Degree

Good academic standing is required.


SP-II. Minimum Monthly Pay for various Designations

Professor 80,000
Associate Professor 45,000
Assistant Professor 30,000
Sr. Lecturer (Assistant Professor II) 23,000
Lecturer (Assistant Professor I) 16,000


  1. Salary will be revised based on performance, the faculty is required to submit the Appraisal form at the end of every year, to the Head of the Department.
  2. Salary will be revised from the month of Joining. 


SP-III. Leave policy - Academic period

Casual Leave 1 day for a month
Exam Duty 12 days
International Conference, Paper Presentation 6 days
Fixed Vacation 24 days. Refer current academic calendar.
Example: 10 days during Pooja Holidays, 7-10 days during Christmas
Faculty Development Program 6 days
Work From Home

For Faculty who have 5 years of experience and completed Ph.D can work from home on Saturdays.


  1. under updation.
  2. under updation. 


SP-III. Leave policy - Non-Academic period

Vacation 24 days. 12 days for during every semester.
Eligible for faculty who have completed 1 year.


  1. under updation.
  2. under updation.