A non profit organization

There was an off-campus drive for a Coimbatore-based Manufacturing Company, which was conducted in RVS Engineering College on 7th January 2012. The company was Aqua Sub Engineering, which is popularly known as TEXMO. The recruitment drive was for Final Year Students of Mech Engg & EEE. After the selection process, the following 16 students of our college got placed and were issued offer letters:

S.No. Name of the Student Branch
1 Mohamed Idris, M. EEE
2 Vijay, M.B. EEE
3 Paulraj, M. EEE
4 Srivatsan, V.S. EEE
5 Sheik Mohammed, M. Mech
6 Deva, G. Mech
7 Prabhu, D. Mech
8 Vallathu Mech
9 Iyyappan, M. Mech
10 Gurumurugan, N. Mech
11 Venkatesh, R.M. Mech
12 Moorthy, P. Mech
13 Aanandan, A. Mech
14 Sasikumar, G. Mech
15 Pradap, V. Mech
16 Vinothkumar, P. Mech